Here at the Belvedere Clinic our Plastic Surgeons use two types of Breast Implants MENTOR® & NATRELLE® Both Breast Implant companies are fully approved by the FDA also all implants come with a lifetime guarantee
Below is a brief outline of what type of implants are currently on offer at the Belvedere, please see their websites for a more information. When you book your consultation with our plastic surgeon you will be able to touch and feel the implants and by researching and understanding our products the decision should be made easier.
MENTOR® is your complete source for some of the finest silicone and saline breast implants, along with other products associated with breast augmentation and breast reconstruction.
There are two types of breast implants: Silicone Breast Implants and Saline Breast Implants. Mentor offers two types of silicone breast implants- MENTOR® MemoryGel® Breast Implants and MENTOR® MemoryShape™ Breast Implants. This side-by-side comparison can help you determine which implant type is right for you. Your plastic surgeon is another excellent resource with whom to discuss your options.
MENTOR® MemoryShape™ Breast Implants
MENTOR® MemoryShape™ Breast Implants are teardrop shaped and filled with a uniquely formulated, highly cohesive gel. The gel is designed to impart a natural silhouette to the breast while providing a youthful firmness.
Set fill Volume – Available in Medium height, Moderate Profile
MENTOR® MemoryGel® Silicone Breast Implants
Filled with Mentor’s proprietary cohesive gel – MENTOR® MemoryGel® Implants — hold together uniformly while retaining the natural give that resembles breast tissue.
Set fill Volume – Four projection options: Classic, Moderate Plus, High Profile, Ultra High Profile.
MENTOR® Saline Breast Implants
Filled with a saltwater solution similar to the fluid that makes up most of the human body; slightly firmer feel.
Flexible fill volume, allowing the surgeon to adjust the volume during the procedure.
Three projection options: Moderate, Moderate Plus, High Profile.
Natrelle® Gel and Saline Breast Implants For more than 25 years, Natrelle® gel and saline breast implants have been available to women in more than 60 countries for breast augmentation, revision and reconstructive surgery.
The Natrelle® Collection features a full variety of widths and volumes. The size and volume that’s right for you is based on existing breast tissue, your body type and frame. The question of size is NOT just about picking a specific volume of breast implant. Our Breast surgeon will help you pick a diameter and projection of implant that fits your needs. For example, Natrelle® gel-filled breast implants come in four different profiles, or projections: Moderate, Moderate-Plus, High, and Extra-High. Only Natrelle® breast implants are available with an Extra-High profile option. The Natrelle® Style 15 implant is the most common implant used in breast augmentation. The profile of the implant is an important factor in how far out your breasts will “project” after your augmentation. And each choice has a different volume. Try the breast implant Simulator on the Natrelle website to see which implant does what
Our Breast surgeons have before and after pictures of their work available in their portfolios, and will be more than willing to show your the amazing results they have achieved.
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